Susie's Wedding memories
I thought some of you might enjoy reading through the information that was included in a small Wedding book that was handed down to us from Susie. Besides the Wedding photo, it is the only description that any of us probably have of that past or life back then.
Contents of the Book
It is just a small book of bible verses, poetry, a few pages to write down information such as engagement, guests, trips. Just a little book, yet filled with long past and lost memories of Susie's life and family!
The Memories inside
Dec. 14, 1913
"Then in that time and place,
I spoke to her
Requiring at her hand the greatest gift,
A woman's heart, the heart of her I loved.
And in that time and place she answered me,
And in the compass of three little words,
More musical than ever came to me.
The silver fragments of a broken voice
Made me most happy,
"I am thine."
This Certifies that
Susanna Pfeiffer and Lester Driver
of Brainerd and of Crosslake
Were united in Holy Matrimony
at Brainerd
on the 7th day of September
In the year of our Lord 1915
According to the Ordinance of God and laws
of Minnesota
Witnesses Earl Koop
Elizabeth J Pheiffer
Mr J.W. Driver
Mr J. Favron
Mr. J. Miller
Earl Koop
Mrs. J. Favron
Florence Witford
Mrs. Erwin
Mrs. Carl Anderson
Mrs. Falkenrack
Mrs. Peter Remmels
Marie Remmels
Mrs. WM Pfeiffer
Mr. WM Pfeiffer
Elizabeth Pfeiffer
Henrietta Pfeiffer
William Pfeiffer
Bernard Pfeiffer
Gerald Falkenrack
Bridal Gifts:
1 tablespread
1/2 dozen spoons
sugar shell
butter knife
gold meat fork
2 bath towels
cut glass olive dish
cut glass pickle dish
1 glass pitcher
1 hand painted dish
4 dollars
sugar bowl and creamer
1 framed picture
1 set of dishes
Bedromm toilet set
All kitchen furnishings such as:
tea kettle
tea pot
coffee pot
wringer wash board
pails etc.
1 large glass dish
1 cake plate
1 cup and saucer
1 shaving mug
Bridal Tour Notes
"There never were such radiant noons,
Such roses, such fair weather,
Such nightengales,....
As while we were together"
We took 2:30 train from Brainerd to Merrifield. From there we drove home.
Wedding dance held at Miller's barn
September 11, 1915
Those attending were:
Miss Rose Hoerner
Miss Irma Rhodes
Miss Ruth Bowman
Mrs. H Bowman
Neil Bowman
Roger Flanders
Mr and Mrs. Bert Stirewalt
Mr and Mrs Earl Moore
Dave Buchite
Mr and Mrs Henry Buchite
Mrs WM Pfeiffer
Bernard Pfeiffer
Fay Wood
Frank Stengal
Frances Ackerman
James Haskell
Floy Atwater
Mr Mecham
Morgan Driver
Mr and Mrs J Driver
Addie Driver
Violet Driver
Mayme Moore
WM LaBoard
James LaBoard
Mrs. Smith
Mrs Bert LaBoard
Mrs. Miller
Archie Andrews
Flossie Cuff