Susana Margaret Pfeiffer
Baby picture of William and Susanna Pfeiffer's oldest daughter, Susanna (Susie) born 1893, died 1969 at Brainerd, MN
Susana with one of her younger siblings
Most likely Susie and Henrietta going by the looks of Susie's age in the photo. Etta was born in 1901, so the photo was probably taken around early 1902 when Susie was about 8 or 9.
Elizabeth Pfeiffer Hibbard
William and Susanna's daughter Elizabeth, born 1897 died 1975 in Idaho.
William Pfeiffer Jr.
William and Susanna's son William, born 1904 died 1968 in California
Henrietta Pfeiffer Olson
William and Susanna's daughter Henrietta, born 1901 in Brainerd, Mn died January 1970 at Fargo, ND
Younger three Pfeiffer children
Etta, Bill, and Bernard Pfeiffer. Probably taken around 1913? Bernard was born May 12, 1912 in Brainerd and died in 1984 in Idaho.
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