Pfeiffer Family History in Pictures
These photos are of our Pfeiffer Family ancestors. They have been collected and contributed by Pfeiffer and Mueller descendents. Many of them were pictures in my Mother, Florence's collection. Others are copies shared by Eleanor Fredrickson's daughter, Diane Holbeck. Between the two of us, I think we have managed to put together a well documented photo history of the Pfeiffer family. There are a few people in the photos whom we have not been able to identify yet, so hopefully someone might pass through here, recognize them and help us give those people a name, identity, relationship and past!
Mother of Henrietta Borchert Pfeiffer
We have no photos of Henrietta and little information on her or her family. This is a copy of a portrait of her Mother, the only thing we have come across of Henrietta's life. The portrait had to have been prior to 1880 when Ernst and Henrietta immigrated to United States.
Ernst Pfeiffer
Photo was taken around time of son William's wedding in November of 1890. Ernst was born March 1830 in Germany, died August of 1905.
William and Susanna Pfeiffer
William Pfeiffer and Susanna Mueller at their Wedding on 11-18-1890. William was born June 1863 in Germany, died 1942 in Jamestown ND. Susanna was born 1866 in Owatonna, MN and died 1938 at Jamestown, ND.
Dhildren of Ernst and Henrietta Pfeiffer
Anna Pfeiffer Shannon, Harry Pfeiffer, and William Pfeiffer together in later years. No date was availabe, but the photo was taken on one of Harry's visits to Minnesota.
William Pfeiffer
William Pfeiffer in middle years
Daughters of William Pfeiffer
Elizabeth Pfeiffer Hibbard, Henrietta Pfeiffer Olson, and Susanna Pfeiffer Driver. Probably taken around 1908.
Please feel free to use and download these pictures.