My kids, Dorie and Ryan all grown up! Dorie at 20, Ryan at 17
What a difference a few years make! Dorie at three and Ryan at 4 months
A recent photo of me
A not quite so recent photo of me along with my older sisters and my parents taken in 1968
Mom, Florence with us girls at Split Rock light house in 1962
four generation photo of Florence at age two with brother Vernon, Mother Susie Driver, Grandmother Susanna Pfeiffer, and Great Grandmother Catherine Mueller taken 1918
Ward and Florence Workman at their wedding on October 28, 1950
Florence's parents,ED Driver and Susie Pfeiffer at their wedding in 1916, with attendants, Elizabeth Pfeiffer and Earl Koop
Ward's parents, Clarence and Dora Workman at their wedding in 1912
Only Driver family photo that includes Ed Driver. Vernon is missing because he is taking photo
A somewhat clearer of Ed, probably taken in 1920's?
Eleanor Driver Fredrickson with aunts Iva Adcock and Betty Adcock
Katherine Mayer Mueller, taken around 1920. Katherine was born 1845 at McHenry co. Illinois
Mary (Mayme) Mueller Pelkey, taken early 1900's.Mary was born 1886, died 1979
Mary (Mayme) in later years with Pfeiffers
Daughters of Katherine Mayer Mueller; Possibly Mayme, Dolly(Christine), and Elizabeth?
Christine Delores Mueller Miller? Pelkey with son Jack Miller taken in 1972
Susie Pfeiffer Driver in 1967, the last time she and all of her children were together for a family photo.Florence, Vernon, Eleanor and Donald
Eleanor Driver at about age 2
Eleanor Driver at about age 4
Eleanor in High school
Eleanor Driver and Raymond Fredrickson around 1943
Shirley Lound, Vernon Driver, Irene Sanderson and Florence Driver, around 1942 or 43
Vernon Driver with his Mother, Susie Pfeiffer Driver
florence Driver with Shirley Lound in 1944
Donald Driver with wife Betty and sons, Terry, Donny and Mike
Donald with second wife Marilyn and son Scott in 1967
Donald and Betty Driver's children; Terry, Don, Mike and Dianna