Home Page Updated January 28

Home Page Updated January 28

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Workman Family Home Center

Welcome Home to the Workman Online Family Center!

Welcome to the Workman Family Online History Center

I know it's been a long time since I've updated or made any changes to this site and I would like to apologize for that! I'm sure that many people just gave up on the place and have not stopped back at all so I will have to make an effort to get people back to see what's going on and come back to visit! 

I would like to explain why I've been absent and missing in action for long!! After moving last year we realized that our computer was just getting too old and worn out to keep doing too much with it as far as the internet. We also decided to put our efforts and finances into getting some other home and hobby details taken care before investing in a new computer system. Now that some of those other things are in place, we have begun updating our computer.

Okay, I have finally installed my new edition of Family Tree Maker 2005, re-did all of the data, and am in the process of updating everything. I have had a week's vacation and spent the entire week just doing that!! For all of the updated information please visit my companion site http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/cgi-bin/uhp_authopts.cgi?url=/users/w/o/r/Judith-Ann-Workman-MN 

I want to thank everyone who has stopped by and thank you for the comments left on the Guest book! I am excited about getting back to work on all of this and look forward to communicating with many of you!


Our Home, And Yours Too!

For those of you coming here in search of family history information, I have included below a list of family names that are a part of the Workman family history research. This will help you determine whether there is any family connection quickly.  I know that many of you visiting from other genealogy sites are stopping for just family history information and this list will make it easier for you to get to what you need quicker!


Who we are and where we're at right now?

You can find out more about me, my immediate family, our current family news, and the reasons for this site on the "About" page.

I would like to invite, welcome and encourage all of you who stop by to visit to Please contribute and share your own family information, news and memories. This site is meant to be your family home! I have designed it and set it up for all of us to use, to meet, and to share in being part of a large and diverse family.

We may have all grown apart due to distance, time, and being busy with our own lives, but we still have things in common such as the main one, that we are still family! In the process of getting to know each other once again, we also may discover that we have common interests and hobbies to share. Hopefully this can be a place to share those things and get to know each other better!

Please take a few moments to sign the guest book, leave us a message or send us an e-mail to let us know you stopped by, let us know what you think of the site and let us know what improvements we can make!

Be sure to sign our guest book and leave a message on our cork board!!

My Corkboard

For more information on our family research

How many people have visited here? View our guest book