Workman Family Page
Our Workman family information
I want to take a few moments here to apologize for the lack of content, information, and photos for the Workman and Mills relatives and descendents who may have stopped by searching for additional information. I have been working with a rather limited amount of space and have concentrated for the time being on the Driver/ Pfieffer families as those relatives were ones that I was in closer touch with for most of my life and I wanted to get some of the information out to them and share the memories with them.
Also, there is such an extensive amount of historical information already out there and available for so many of the Workman and Mills families that it would take an incredible amount of space to document all of it here! I have come across a large number of old photos and more information. I am hoping that I return in the fall from my moving experience, I will have it all sorted out and be ready to post much more of it here for everyone to share. So, if you have stopped by, were disappointed by the lack of information and photos for the Workman families, Please be Patient, bookmark this site and return to it in the fall!
Our Workman family heritage goes back to Amos Workman born in 1780's and his son Isaac, born in 1799 continuing on through the generations to the present day families descending from Clarence and Dora Mills Workman. Unfortunately, I know far more about the past generations than the immediate families! Maybe one of these days one of those cousins will happen across this information and get in touch with me!
Clarence Bertram Workman was born 1888, at Webster SD and died in February of 1968 at Brainerd, MN. His parents were Charles and Henrietta Clark Workman. He spent his youth moving and farming with his family and then teaching school. In December of 1911, he married Dora Belle Mills who was born 1891 at Linn co., Iowa to Pierson and Mary Heaton Mills. They were married near Staples MN. Dora had come to the area to visit a sister living there.
After their marriage, they farmed in the area and Clarence continued to teach school for a while until their family grew larger and he needed a better income to take care of them. That was when they moved to Brainerd, MN and Clarence began working for the railroad. They had the following children:
Clifford was born in 1912 and died in 1914 as the result of choking on a peanut.
Maycel was born 1915 in the Staples area, died 1988 in California. She married George (Judd) Palmer and eventually moved to California. She had the following children who all remained in California, close to Sacramento: Terry, Dennis, Joseph and Linda. Maycel and Judd worked and ran logging companies and lumber companies?
Audrey was born 1918 in Staples area, died 1976 in FortWorth Texas. She married Percy Morris and had the following children, John, Michael, Fredrick, and Kathleen Morris Moore. John settled in Baton Rouge LA, Mike settled in Springtown Texas, and Fred was at Houston TX, Kathy settled in Lancaster, California. These locations were as of 1976 at the time of Audrey's death.
Wayne was born 1920 in Staples, died 1996 in New Mexico. He married Mary Palmer Nadeau and settled in Babbitt, MN. He had one step son, James Nadeau who eventually settled in Florida after he got out of the Navy.
Irene Lulubelle was born 1921 at Staples, date of death is unknown. As of 1999 she was still alive, living in Nevada but suffering from Alzheimer's disease. She married Ted Harris and her children are?: Ted, Susan, Patty, John and Candace
Ward Harlan was born Sept. 27, 1924 in brainerd, died Nov 20 1994 at Ely, MN. He married Florence Estelle Driver, settled in Babbitt, MN and had following children: Sharon Workman Christensen, Sandra Workman Roberts, Judith Workman
Marietta was born 1928 in Brainerd, MN and died Sept 27, 1999 in Brainerd. Marietta was born with a number of handicaps and disabilities. Clarence and Dora kept her at home with them as long as possible but by the time she was 11 or 12, they had to place her in institutional facilities where she remained until her death.
Family history for Clarence workman
For more detailed family lines and information, please contact me, as the information is extensive and in depth going back to 1780's.
This is just a preliminary sketch of the family and their journey from the past to the present.
Amos Workman was born around 1780 in Frostburg Maryland, where he was married and had a son named Isaac born in 1799. In around 1815, Amos married Jane Conner and had more children:Joseph, Mary, Margaret, William, Isreal, Lyman and Normanda. According to some of the family history, the family was making their way originally to Texas with other families but in Illinois, a horse or horses ran off, the family stayed behind to catch them and for what ever reasons decided not to go on any further! They all settled in Fayette county, Illinois.
Isaac died at Fayette co., Illinois in 1845. He married Mary Owen, who was born in Ohio to Nathan and Leah Hartzell. They had following children;Leah, Nathan, William, Amos, Mary Jane, Louisa, Sarah, Thomas Jefferson, and Martin
All of those children remained in Illinois except for William.
William was born 1821 in Knox co., Ohio, died 1906 at Villard, MN. He married Harriet Ernest who was born in 1826. William and Harriet left Illinois around 1857 and moved to southern Minnesota. They had the following children: Artimicia Workman Shear born 1853 in Ill., Solomon born 1856 in Ill., Barbara Workman Clark born 1860 MN, Charles born 1862 MN, died 1956 Staples, MN, Matilda born 1864 MN, and Harriet Workman Smith born 1878 MN.
These children settled in the Staples area, and in south Dakota, with Harriet I believe eventually being in Washington State.
Charles married Henrietta Clark, who was the daughter of Solomon and Diantha clark of Webster South Dakota. They spent time between Webster and the Staples area before eventually settling on a farm outside of Staples. Their children were: Edith Clark Underhill born 1886, Carl, born 1887, Clarence born 1888, Rex born 1889, Gertrude Workman Taylor born 1891, Fern Workman Kelsey born 1897,Lavern Workman Gilmore born 1899, Thomas Jefferson born 1902, and Raymond born 1905.
After Henrietta's death in 1921, Charles married again to a woman by the name of Scotia. They moved for a time to Chicago and then returned to Staples where they remained until their deaths. Daughters, Edith and Fern remained in the Staples area. Carl eventually moved to North Dakota, Gertrude settled in Washington state, Lavern moved to Michigan, Thomas Jefferson(TJ) settled in Chicago. Clarence and Raymond both settled in Brainerd and worked for the railroad.
Family of Dora Mills Workman
The family history of Dora Mills is just as in depth and lengthy as that of the Workmans! so, again for more detailed information on her family history, please contact me!
She was born 1891 in Linn co., Iowa to Pierson Mills and his second wife, Mary Elizabeth Heaton. Her death was in June 1961 at Brainerd, MN.
Pierson Mills was born November 24, 1838 Delaware co., Ohio and died October 22, 1909 in Linn co., Iowa. Mary Heaton was born 1849, in Iowa and died in 1906 at Linn co., Iowa. It was shortly after Pierson's death that Dora moved to Minnesota to stay with her sister Lulu. From what information I have found, there ended up being a great deal of arguments and disputes over Pierson's will, leaving many of the children upset with it. He did leave an extremely large family though, so that is probably to be expected.
He was married first to Sarah Jane Spurgeon and had the following children: Vigo born 1864, Emma born 1866, Ida 1868, Harlan Asa 1870, Elizabeth 1872, and John in 1874. Shortly after John's birth, Sarah died in 1874.
In 1876, he married Mary and then went on to have another set of children including: Estella 1877, Lura 1879, Linn 1881, Pierson Albert 1883, Lulu 1885, William Heaton 1887 and Dora in 1891.
From family and historical accounts, Pierson suffered injuries in the civil war that affected and partially disabled him all of his life. He was not an easy man to get along with because of that and it caused numerous difficulties within the families. He was stern, somewhat controlling and made a habit of disowning children when they did not follow his expectations.
There was also a questionable and puzzle concerning one of the children. It concerned his youngest daughter by Sarah Spurgeon, Elizabeth who was born in 1872. We have a copy of an adoption agreement dated June of 1876 where Pierson gave up Elizabeth or Lizzie Ann for adoption to the M.P. Sigworth family of Linn co., Iowa. There is no known reason why she was given up. It seems rather odd that he would give her up at age four, and keep younger child, John who was only two at the time. The only thing that we can think of is that he possibly felt it was more important to keep the son? Or that maybe Lizzie had a disability of some sort that he was unable to deal with or cope with along with all of the rest of his family. It was shortly after that though, that he married Mary.